How do I cite the Nursing Central App?

How do I cite the Nursing Central App? 


APA Style 7th ed.:

If you are using 7th edition, your reference to Nursing Central should include the following: Author (if there is one), date, title of entry, and source.

To cite the app itself, it would look something like the example below. Make sure the date is correct, and update the version number to the version of the app you are using. You should include the app store you used to download the app, and a link to the app within that store.

Nursing Central. (2013). Unbound Medicine (Version X) [Mobile app]. [App Store]. [Link to app in store]

To cite a specific article (a reference work) in Nursing Central, it would look more like this example:

[Article title]. (2013). In Davis's Drug Guide (Version X) [Mobile app]. [App Store]. [Link to app in store]

This starts with the article title because in the example, there is no author.  Make sure to italicize the title of the reference work, and then include the correct version number, as well as the app store and the link to the app within the store where you downloaded Nursing Central.


  • Last Updated Jan 04, 2023
  • Views 6490
  • Answered By Michael Braun Hamilton

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