Where can I learn about how to use the libraries' Discovery Search?
What learning materials can the libraries recommend for gaining more skill in searching within the libraries' online resources?
You can learn more on this section of the libraries' website:
The libraries offer this brief video to get familiar with ways to refine searches in the Discovery Search:
Hack Your Search!: Search Filters
(You can find other instructional videos like this on the Workshops and Tutorials section of the library website.)
EBSCO is the company that provides our Discovery Search service and they provides some tutorials about using their products, like these:
Performing a basic search on the new EBSCO user interfaces
Performing an advanced search on the new EBSCO user interfaces
Here are some other sections of the libraries' website that might be helpful:
How do I search the VSCS Libraries? (FAQ)
Academic Journals & Peer-Reviewed Articles
Finding Specific Articles, Journals, Books
If you are using an individual database rather than searching in the Discovery Search, after you open the database, look for a link to "help" to access support materials, like this video about searching Credo Reference.