What is the EBSCO consent form I am seeing when I use the VSCS Libraries search?


When you search from the VSCS Libraries Website, you may be presented with a page asking you to consent to EBSCO's privacy and data policy before proceeding. Consenting to this will allow the system to create an MyEbscohost account for you so you can save articles and other items to your account for later access. 

If you select "No" and delete your MyEbscohost account, you will still be able to search and access VSCS Libraries resources, you just won't be able to save items to your folder in the search.

For more information, please see this page on the EBSCO site: Why am I prompted to review EBSCO's privacy policy before creating a MyEBSCO account?

  • Last Updated May 16, 2023
  • Views 218
  • Answered By Michael Braun Hamilton

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