How can I search libraries beyond the VSCS?


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The VSCS Libraries work hard to maintain collections that best serve our communities, but there may be times that you want materials that are not in the VSCS collections. You can request these items through interlibrary loan or find them in other libraries. WorldCat WorldCat searches thousands of public, academic, and special libraries to find a copy near you Vermont Public Libraries Map Find your nearest public library for additional resources available to you ABLE Library ABLE Library services, including audiobooks, large-print books, and braille books, are free for qualifying Vermonters Find Your Library: National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) Remote students joining us from outside Vermont can use this page to find their state's NLS partner
  • Last Updated May 29, 2024
  • Views 276
  • Answered By Michael Braun Hamilton

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