Answered By: Katie Beth Ryan
Last Updated: Apr 02, 2024     Views: 211

"Presearch" articles - also known as background or reference sources - can be found in several VSCS Libraries databases. 

The "Background Information" tab on the library homepage. contains several databases that provide "presearch" articles and information. 

Background Information tab on the VSCS Libraries homepage, with several databases listed

When searching in any library database, it's best to search using broad keywords, instead of typing in your entire topic or question. For example, if you wanted to research the topic of inclusion of students with developmental delays in mainstream classrooms, you might do a search for developmental delay AND inclusion. 

Below is an example from the CREDO Reference database. Reference and background sources often include terms like "reference," "encyclopedia," "almanac," etc., in their titles. 

Credo Reference search for "developmental delay" and inclusion is outlined in a red rectangle. The words "Reference" and "Encyclopedia" are underlined in red.