Answered By: Michael Braun Hamilton
Last Updated: May 29, 2024     Views: 194

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Using Wikipedia Responsibly When you find citations for books for articles through Wikipedia, you can often find the full source on the open Web or get it through your library. Use the references at the end of a Wikipedia entry to help you build your own list of works to cite. do detective work in reference lists Find Books Find Articles Find Images locate books in wikipedia references and works sections If you find a book, copy down the: title of the book author(s) or editor(s) publication date ISBN number Use that information to search for it at the library. If a book isn't available in the VSC library system, you can request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.To track down articles that aren't freely available on the Web, you'll need the: title of the journal or magazine the title of the article author(s) volume, issue, and date digital object identifier (DOI) number if available Type the article title into the Discovery Search box to see if we have it in a database - you may need to add the author's name or part of the publication name too. If it isn't available, you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan.Many images in Wikipedia entries are housed in Wikimedia Commons, a repository for both public domain and copyrighted images. You can often find details about a work by clicking on the image or the link below the image. Wikimedia Commons often provides more details about the image so you can track it down and 2locate an appropriate source for the image to use in your paper. Once you have the name of the work, the artist, or other words that describe the work, enter that into a Google search so that you can verify the information and to track down an academically appropriate source for the image, such as a museum website, academic image repository, or news article.